At 1:35:19 we finally crossed the finish line, taking 7th place in what turned out to be a very competitive class (A2). We ended up 21st in fleet.
Results are here. Early in the race, we went west....not only because it was in the plan, but we were also over early and after recovering it was the only place to go with clean air. The storms brought wind filling in from the west, and we were amongst the 1st few boats to throw a chute! Well, that did not last long.....we shortly broke the 10kt barrier and then broached in a microburst. Not long after that, we were whacked by a small finger of lightning and lost our masthead fly and some lights. The rest of the race was a challenge for us without the fly....but we managed to stick it out. Glad we did.
Here is the overview of our course:
