Sunday, February 18, 2007

Fairing and Paint

It's been very cold over the past couple weeks...15ish every night. Seems I can't get anything done as fast as I'd like. Finally, things are warmed up to a balmy 36 and I was able to continue fairing the keel trailing edge and started the bottom paint. Here is what things looked like at the end of today and a 'before' shot.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Ruder Delam

Noticed some issues with the rudder while sanding....a little delamination of the skin in a couple of places. Easy fix by bringing the whole thing home and drilling a few holes and injecting with epoxy with a tight fitting syringe. It took more epoxy than I thought, but now it's solid everywhere.

Bow done

Last week I also got the bow pulpit back on and the track re-installed and worked a little on fairing the trailing edge. Nice, no leaks up top and it it much sturdier than it was. I did not take any photos today, but I faired a bunch more on the keel and it's starting to blend in very nicely....thank you belt sander! :)

Trailing Edge Addition

It was snowing last week when I did this....was below 30, but still ok to get some work done. This is the G10 board that I used to replace the trailing edge of the keel where it was removed. I ended up only needing to extend the keel about 1.5" to maintain proper chord. Up near the top was a little fatter and all I could do was add a triangle section to fill in the space. Not optimum, but way better than it was. I drilled the G10 every 6" and used stainless screws with the heads cut off as pins. The whole thing is held on with epoxy/microfiber mix and some light uni. The photo from the back is pretty nice and shows the trailing edge. When this is finally faired in it will get sanded to about 1/8".