Well, it's the end of the 2006 season and we've had a ton of fun (and learned a lot while doing it). Thanks to everyone who came out with us this year to make the Rock Lobster a rockin place to hang out. Now begins the list of things to repair, upgrade, and modify in preparation for next year. :) 1st up, we've ordered a new main sail from Quantum on Solomon's Island. We ordered early and got great 'boat show' pricing. Nothing special this time, just their Dacron racing main with 1 full batten, 3 partials, and a reef. Our old North 3DL main has 4 hard years on it and it's time to go! Now for the list of things planned (there may be more too):
Fix any new blisters :(
Fix the trailing edge of the keel (way to fat) - I have a plan :)
Redo the forward bulkhead to make it stiffer - it still has too much flex up there
Reglass the deck around the bow pulpit - years old damage there that leaks
Rebed the windows - again :(
Add a 'bar of doom' like on the Soverel 33s.
Redo a bulkhead under the cockpit - it's a partial that clearly needs to be bigger.
-all for now, K out!