Been a while since I made a post, but still been working hard. I keep forgetting my camera. Got to be done soon, as races start on 19 March....just a few short weeks left. I must be in the water by the 17th!! Bottom blisters are all filled and sanded smooth, just need to seal the repairs prior to paint. Hole has been enlarged to accomodate a new paddlewheel transducer. Seats are done. Traveler needs to be installed. Keel needs a little fairing and the whole boat needs paint. I've got the rudder in the garage and started painting it there. Using
PETIT VIVID (in yellow). I'm spraying the rudder to see how smooth I can get this stuff, but the boat will need to be painted by roller or pad. I thinned the paint with Xylene to the max limit on the label to make it easier to spray. I'm running 45lbs pressure on 100' hose to a 'Harbor Freight' touch up sprayer. :)