Wow, what a slog upwind!! Winds were 24-27 from 180, 2-6' waves with caps. Lightening after 2AM with a big shift west. Uphill all the way to St. Mary's. Reef and a #3, shifting to #1 after 2AM. Emergency avoidance / near miss on a beefy fishtrap in 25' water, 10 loud horns - 3 ship crossings, blown front bulkhead, head rolled a 3 and opened up, two bent stanchions, and Steve barfed. Planned for and made the shift on the correct side of the course. Crossed in front of Hendonism at Pt. No point. Could not catch Kestrel. In at 09:54, 6th place. Big boats did great, lighter boats slow in the waves. 1 Multihull dismasting, 77 DNF! I looked back at the results and in classes Multi, B, CD and N, only 18 boats finished out of 90. In A-0, A-1, A-2 and A-3, 55 out of 60 boats finished. I guess the A classes have better prepared boats for this stuff!
Click on the map for a Google Map View of our course.
http://www.smcm.edu/govcup/documents/prelim_results_2007_govcup.htmAll had a great time!!
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